Beekeeping Terminology For Beginners

Beekeeping Glossary For Beginners

As far as beekeeping concerned, beekeepers are advised to learn this terminology glossary of beekeeping. Here i will introduced all the important terminology terms for beginner beekeepers. 
AFB and EFB:
are highly contagious and infectious diseases caused by a spore-forming bacterium; they are fatal to your bee brood.

a place where honeybees are kept.

attendant bees:
worker bees that take care of the queen; they groom her and feed her.

when a large number of bees congregate on the front of the beehive, making it look like the hive has a beard; they do this to cool the interior of the hive.

worker bees that clean off debris and groom the other bees.

a mixture of collected pollen, bee secretions, and nectar or honey that is a food source for bees, especially for eggs and larvae.

bee brush:
a long brush used for gently brushing bees into or off the hive and frames.

bee eggs:
fertilized eggs laid by the queen that will develop into bees.

bee food:
a sugar water supplement used to feed your bees when nectar is not available.

bee louse:
a small, wingless member of the fly family that is occasionally found on bees.

bee space:
the ideal amount of space (⅜ inch) between structures in a beehive.

bee suit: 
a protective suit beekeepers wear to avoid getting stung; generallythey’re white, which is a calming color to bees.

beekeeping journal:
a book used for all of your beekeeping records.

a natural wax produced by bees to make their comb.

the developing bee cells; they might be eggs, larvae, or pupae, and drones, workers, or queens.
caged queen: 
a queen that is not the colony’s queen, and can be bought seperately; she comes in a cage and must be freed by the worker bees.

candy plug:
a sugary plug sealing the bottom of a caged queen’s cage.

capped cells: 
cells that are filled with either brood or honey.

honeycomb consists of hexagonal walls of wax, each enclosing a cell.

cleansing flight:
a quick flight outside the hive to poop.

when bees huddle in the center of a hive to keep warm.

a collective group of bees that live together; it consists of one queen, drones (male bees), workers (female bees), eggs, larvae, and pupae (developing bees).

colony collapse disorder: 
an unexplained occurrence when either all or most of the bees in the hive disappear.

a group of six-sided cells made of beeswax where bees store their honey and pollen and raise baby bees; the comb is made up of two layers that are attached at the base.

construction crew:
the worker bees that build the honeycomb and repair damaged combs.

deformed wing virus: 
a viral disease associated with Varroa mite infestations.

drawn combs:
cells that have been built out by honeybees from a foundation in a frame.

drawn frame:
(or drawn comb) a frame on which the bees have built the comb from beeswax; it is now ready for pollen, honey, or brood.

a male bee; its only job is to mate with the queen.

entrance reducer:
a small block of wood that reduces the size of the entrance to the beehive.
established colony: 
also known as a full hive, this consists of a fully established colony with drawn combs on frames, with wax, brood, pollen, honey, drones, workers, and a queen bee that is the queen of that colony.

a machine used to extract honey by spinning the frames.

fixed-comb hive:
a beehive without removable frames.

worker bees that gather nectar and pollen.

the wax forms installed in the frames of hives; the bees then build their comb off of these foundations.

racks or frames inside a hive on which the bees make honeycomb.

full hive:
also known as an established colony.

full super: 
eight to ten established drawn combs on frames, with wax, brood, pollen, honey, and bees.

beehives are structures made by people to house bees; technically,humans make a hive, while bees make a nest.

hive body: 
the main box part of the hive, where the bees live.

hive tool:
a tool that resembles a pry bar and is great for prying open the hive box, scraping propolis, moving frames, and more.

a sweet food substance produced by bees.

honey cells:
cells in the comb that are used to store honey.

honey flow:
the time when bees produce a large amount of honey.

honey sac:
a gland at the end of a bee’s esophagus in which nectar gathered while foraging is stored.

a flying insect that produces wax and honey.

house bees:
worker bees inside the hive that gather the nectar and pollen from the foragers.

worker bees that perform every duty a housekeeper would: take out the trash, remove dead bugs, clean the honeycomb, and keep things nice and tidy.

when you open a beehive to inspect the inside and see what your bees are up to.

larva (plural, larvae):
a white, legless, grublike insect that represents the second stage of bee metamorphosis.

food-producing animals; the honeybee is classified as livestock.

moisture quilt:
also called an absorption blanket, it’s something made of absorbent material and added in cold weather to the top of the hive, where condensation tends to collect.

worker bees that remove the dead bees from the hive.

a sweet liquid produced by flowers that bees collect to make honey.

nectar collectors:
worker bees that collect nectar for the hive.

nectar flow:
the time of the year when flowers produce nectar.

an already established frame with wax, brood, pollen, honey, and bees; nucs include drones, workers, and a queen bee.

worker bees that feed and care for the growing larvae.

orientation flights:
when new bees take their first flights out of their hive to get to know their surroundings.

an actual pack of bees, generally weighing around three pounds; it wil contain both worker and drone bees, and should include a caged queen.

bee pheromones are chemical messengers produced by bees that they use to communicate with one another.

a yellow to orange powdery substance produced by plants to facilitate pollination.

pollen basket:
an area on the hind legs of honeybees where they collect pollen while foraging to transport it back to the hive; hairs hold the nectar-moistened pollen in place.

the act of fertilizing plants by transferring pollen from a male plant to a female plant.

animals or insects that pollinate plants by transferring pollen from one plant to another.

also known as bee glue, it’s a substance bees make from saliva and botanical sources to protect the hive.

pupa (plural, pupae):
the third stage in honeybee metamorphosis, during which it changes (pupates) from a larva to an adult bee.

an adult female bee that is the only one in a hive capable of laying fertilized eggs.

queen cells:
cells that are formed when the workers need to replace the queen; they are larger than the other cells.

a beehive without a queen; the bees will not be able to reproduce, and the hive is doomed.

a colony that has a queen that is producing eggs and is productive.

quilting box:
a box added to the top of the hive that contains a filler that helps absorb moisture from condensation during the colder months, keeping the bees drier and warmer.

raw honey:
honey that has not been heated and pasteurized as part of commercial production.

a tool used to measure the moisture level in a hive or in the honey.

removable-frame hives:
hives with frames that can be taken out, allowing beekeepers full access to their hives for inspection and honey collection.

deposing the old queen and replacing her with a new one.

royal jelly:
a nutritious secretion produced by the nurse bees and fed to all of the larvae.

a viral disease that affects honeybee brood.

worker bees that search for a new source of pollen, nectar, propolis, water, or a new home.

worker bees that protect the hive from unwanted guests.

small hive beetle:
an invasive pest that inhabits nearly all honeybee colonies.

a small device that produces smoke; used to keep bees calm.

a hive box that you add to an already established stack of hive boxes.

supersedure cell:
a cell for a queen bee that is made when the existing queen needs to be replaced for health reasons.

when half of a bee colony leaves with the old queen to form a new colony.

swarm cell: 
when the colony has expanded and they are ready to swarm to make room in their hive, the workers will develop swarm cells; when the new queen emerges, a portion of the colony will leave with the old queen.

tracheal mite:
a parasite of the honeybee that infects the respiratory system.

when you remove or puncture the beeswax cap of sealed comb cells.

uncapping tool:
a little metal pick used to puncture the wax cappings on the honey cells.

Varroa mite:
a parasite that attacks honeybees and brood.

a hat with netting, used by beekeepers for protection against stings to the face, head, and neck.

waggle dance:
a series of movements that bees use to communicate with each other; the duration and direction of the bee dance can instruct other worker bees where to locate food.

water girls:
worker bees that collect water for the hive.

wax moth:
a pest that damages beeswax combs, comb honey, and bee-collected pollen.

worker bees:
female bees,they do all the work in the hive: gathering nectar, producing honey, guarding the hive, caring for the queen and the larvae, and keeping the hive clean.

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