Honey & Lettuce Recipe

This may sound like an odd combination but once you’ve tried it ,you will want it all the time!


½ cup marinara sauce.

¼ cup honey.

Pinch chili powder.

1 ½ lb chicken breast.

2 heads of your favorite lettuce.

 1 avocado.

Herbs to garnish.


1-Simply add the marinara sauce to a bow and then the honey and a pinch of chili; according to your taste. Mix the ingredients together for several minutes to ensure they are fully blended.

2-You’ll now need to put your chicken breasts into a crock pot. Pour your marinara sauce all over them and then turn the pot on to a low setting. Leave them to marinate for approximately 4 hours.

3-After this you’ll be able to remove the chicken and, using a fork, it should simply shred. Do this over the crock pot so that it falls back in.

4-When you’re ready you can put the lettuce leaves on your plate and scoop the honey chicken mixture over the top.

Add a glass of wine, sit back and enjoy!

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